
Castellan: A castellan is an administrative officer.  The modern equivalent of a chief operating officer or president.

Amhranai Caithuait
Karralena Castaway

Knight Marshal: The Knight Marshal acts as an advisor in all matters pertaining to marshal activities of the group.  She or he makes sure the Rules of the Lists are followed, oversees all fighting in the Lists, sets, enforces Weapon and Armour Standards and supervises the authorization of fighters.

Aristonia Borodin
Michaela Sainte

Deputy Knight Marshal of Swordsmanship: An assistant to the Knight Marshal in all activities pertaining to swordsman martial activities within the group.

Kaleb Dampf

Deputy Knight Marshal of Archery: An assistant to the Knight Marshal in all activities pertaining to archery martial activities within the group.

Asher Balder
Jared Dampf

Chatelaine:  The overseer of inventory

Sophie Hamlin
Aimee-Lynn J. Donovan

Magistrate: An administrative officer

Dona Auror a di Syracuse

Exchequer of Receipt/Keeper of theTomes/Deputy Castellan:  Exchequer of Receipt is the modern equivalent of the treasurer who maintains records of the collected monies of the branch and supervises the finances of the branch.  Keeper of the Tomes is a person who writes accounts of important or historical facts and important events.

Sancia LaFond Fresher deCameron
Susan Arendsee

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