Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Meeting Minutes from November 21, 2015

Twin Riverswood Agenda November 21 2015 CE
Called to order at 3:15pm(Conversation and potluck was started around 1:30pm with topics not pertaining to our group).
Officers: Lady Amhranai Caithuait; ; Aristonia Bourdain; Baroness Sancia La Fond Freyser de Cameron
Members/ Visitors: Branwen Caithuait; Sophie Hamlin; Jared Dampf(v)
Old Business
Non Profit Status Update
Sancia has been looking at documents on the IRS site and trying to narrow down the best way for us to file at the best price point (without a middleman ) for our organization to become a recognized NPO. She has found that the form we must submit is a 1023 and beyond that it is the frustrating work of sifting through pages to find the ones that will take us through successfully without a fortune in gold and rubies.
Demos and Events
Harvest Carnival (Oct. 16) in Limestone ,ME
The Harvest Carnival was brought back after a 3 year hiatus and both Baroness Sancia and Sophie donned pirate garb and manned a table with info on our organization, and a wool yarn making demonstration by the Baroness. Several children came to watch and try their hand at the carding process and adults attended as well. Some information was handed out to interested individuals so a fun time was had by all.
New Business
Limestone Annual Light Parade
Our Chamber of Commerce President was looking for people to come to our Annual Light Parade (Nov. 28) to help lead Caroling before hand at the gazebo in Rotary Park next to the Post Office on Main Street. I had told her I was meeting with the group and I would see if Sophie and Sancia could possibly help as the rest of us are in the parade itself in another capacity. after some discussion it was decided against as Sancia has a prior commitment that day and Sophie didn't(understandably) want to do this alone.
Yule Celebration( December 12-see event detail on this page)
Chris Bouchard has printed a blurb about this event (along with the Elf Pal Academy hosted by T.A.P.I.S.) in the November 18th issues of The Aroostook Republican and The Bangor Daily News ( it is on the continuation of the story Limestone Festivities pg. 2 Aroostook Republican). I created a flier for the event to be hung in various businesses upon approval of those in attendance ( it was unanimously approved) and copies will be made and hung in businesses starting Dec.1.
(A copy of this document is in the files section of this page in both the original wps and the word 2007 formats if anyone wishes to download and print copies to hang locally in their towns.)
There will be feasting and I have a proposed menu which was gone over by those present and tweaked. ( an updated menu will be posted to Files in both formats on this page). We will have music playing, and Baroness Sancia will be teaching all who come the Horah ldance as it is easy to learn and appropriate for this season of celebration. Musical instruments will be on hand for those who wish to learn drumming or who can play a recorder . we will have a few games set up as well.
Officers Reports
(Vacant)- Herald
Events/ Advertising Yule event will be advertised on MPBN Community calendar, WAGM county Calendar promoted on Facebook, and I will contact Chris Bouchard again to see if he can run an article for the event in the Aroostook Republican/ Bangor Daily News. I asked Sancia if she would contact the St. John Valley Times and Fiddlehead Focus to see if they can also run an article or a quick blurb about the upcoming event.
Exchequer- Baroness Sancia
We have no funds in our coffers; the Yule event is a $ donation accepted event. No funds on dedicated card. She is looking into finding Grant writing workshops so that when we achieve our NPO status we can possibly get targeted funding for the various aspects of the organization.
Knight Marshal -Aristonia
Aristonia has found a few places where we can get weaponry for a good price once we have our NPO status. She also may have found a local group that has fencing practices that are open to anyone who wants to participate through the Recreation Department in Caribou. Archery is on hold until spring possibly early summer when Limestone Recreation hopes to have some equipment donated that we can use on a range the Director is working to create.
Chatelaine- Claire Valera O'Neal
(Claire has been in contact with Branwen since our meeting and I am including this here. Due to her school schedule and homework load as well as lack of transportation , Clare has regretfully asked to resign her position as Chatelaine . though she still wishes to be kept on the roster as a Facebook member.)
Sophie Hamlin at our meeting had offered to take on the role of Chatelaine if Clare was unable to fulfill her duties due to school case load and transportation issues. We said we would discuss this with Clare (see above) but as of this writing the matter has resolved it self.
Good Luck with your studies, Clare, and if you get a chance to come to an event you will be welcomed.
Donations to the Chest none since last time.
A written log will be soon created to keep track of what is in our chest and what we need.
New People/ Interested Parties
Kaleb R. Dampf- Interested in joining the group. He wants to fill out a membership form at the Yule Celebration and is interested in attaining the status of Archery Marshal under the Knight Marshal.
Jared Dampf- Wishes to join the group and also wants to do a membership at Yule. He wishes to attain the status of Fencing Marshal under the Knight Marshal.
Keagan Page- friend to Kaleb this comedian wishes to join our group as our official jester ( I had left jester garb with Aristonia and he tried it on - then proceeded to parade around claiming hw would never take it off! lol)
He also wishes to fill out a membership form at the Yule celebration as well as provide some entertainment.
Donnovan Leye - Baroness Sancia talked to Donnovan and he wishes to attend meetings as well as our Yule Celebration. We have not seen you in a while, Donnovan and you are welcome to join us as you will.
(Vacant) Keeper of the Guilds
We are looking at developing a way to add different guilds to our organization. Ones that have been mentioned are Bardic Arts; Culinary; Textiles; Leather working; Handcrafting( covers a variety of genres)
Discussed was the possibility of having a different 'guild' work at meetings.
We will continue to work on this aspect.
Web Mistress- Baroness Sancia
She has had problems finding a good site for us to land into so after some discussion it was agreed to NOT have a website but concentrate on developing our newsletter, The Helmsman, instead and add pages so it is similar to a blog. with this shift, Baroness Sancia is now officially Keeper of the Tomes and will be continuing to do as she has been putting events and agendas on the page as well as updating this page along with me.
The Helmsman will be gaining the following pages:
Culinary- this is where our gentlefolk can submit recipes, articles of a historical culinary nature, or other related topics.
Officers- once created the officers reports will go here as well as any related content to their positions. These will include pages for both major and minor officers.
Events- this is where people will look for information on upcoming events, meetings, practices, and any alterations to scheduled events as well.
Bardic Arts- this section is for those who are writers, poets, tunesmiths, and artists.
to submit an admission to Baroness Sancia one can PM her on her Facebook page (Susan Arendesee) or message her on this page.
Castellan- Lady Amhranai
All my updates are in the above agenda.
Next meeting: Yule Celebration December 12, 2015 1-3pm
Limestone Recreation Center 93 High Street (behind Limestone Community School)
Dress in garb and bring your good cheer!
**Those at the meeting please plan to arrive between 11:30 and noon to help set up. I will probably already be there with the Rec. Director getting the area set up for feasting and dancing.

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